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How Do I Appeal a Final Supreme Court Decision?

No change in size, 05:24, 8 April 2013
Filing your factum
Factums contain five parts:
#'''Statement of Facts:''' a A statement of the facts of the appeal, as the trial judge found them to be.#'''Errors in Judgment:''' a A statement as to how you think the trial judge erred in law.#'''Argument:''' your Your formal argument, about the law, how the judge applied the law to the facts, and how the judge should have applied the law.#'''Nature of Order Sought:''' a A statement of the order you'd like the Court of Appeal to make.#'''List of Authorities:''' a A list of the case law you rely on in your argument.
Again, factums are extremely formal, and there are all sorts of rules you must follow in preparing your factum, among which are the following: