Enforcing Orders, Awards and Agreements Involving Children

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There really is no such thing as an absolutely final order, award or agreement involving children. All orders, awards and agreements involving children may be changed, but, in general, something new and important must have happened since the original order or agreement was made that affects the best interests of the children, including a change in the capacity of an adult to care for them, before the order, award or agreement is changed. In family law, "material change in circumstances" is the term used to describe when something new has happened that may justify a change to an order, award or agreement.

This section talks about changing orders, awards and agreements about the arrangements for children's parenting and contact under the Divorce Act and the Family Law Act.


These are just a few of the circumstances in which a person's time with a child can be increased from the amount provided in an order, award or agreement. As long as there has been a change in circumstances since the order, award or agreement about parenting time or contact was made and the increased time is in the children's best interests, schedules can be adjusted.

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This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by JP Boyd, 22 August 2022.

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