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What Are Taxes?

23 bytes added, 21:54, 22 March 2014
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{{Paying Taxes in BC TOC}}
Everyone who lives in Canada pays taxes to all three levels of government:
 * Federal federal government,* Provincial provincial government, and* Municipal municipal (city or town) government.
Taxes pay for many services that everyone in Canada uses. For example:
 * medical care,* police,* schools,* universities,* defence,* roads,* bridges,* parks,* swimming pools, and* community centres.
There are different kinds of taxes in British Columbia. The main taxes to know about are:
 * Income income tax,* Sales sales tax - , also known as harmonized sales tax or HST,* Property property tax,* Duty – duty, a tax you pay when you bring goods into Canada, and* Consumer consumer taxes.
{{REVIEWED | reviewer = [[People's Law School]], 2011}}