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==What is sales tax?==
==What is sales tax?==

You pay the sales tax on most things you buy or use. They include clothing, furniture, restaurant meals, phones, taxis, etc. There are a few exceptions. For example, there is no sales tax on groceries, rent, and public transit.
You pay sales tax on most things you buy or use. They include clothing, furniture, restaurant meals, phones, taxis, etc. There are a few exceptions. For example, there is no sales tax on groceries, rent, and public transit.

Sales tax consists of a federal sales tax (5%) and a provincial sales tax (7% on goods and services). (In 2013, British Columbia abandoned the harmonized sales tax, or HST, that combined the federal and provincial sales taxes into a single sales tax of 12%.)
Sales tax consists of a federal sales tax (5%) and a provincial sales tax (7% on goods and services). (In 2013, British Columbia abandoned the harmonized sales tax, or HST, that combined the federal and provincial sales taxes into a single sales tax of 12%.)


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