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Legal Issues in Residential Care: An Advocate's Manual

No change in size, 21:26, 27 June 2014
Chapter Seven - Substitute Decision-Making
*'''[[B. Types of Substitute Decision-Making and Residential Care|B. Types of Substitute Decision-Making]]
**[[B. Types of Substitute Decision-Making and Residential Care#1. Statutory Substitutes - Temporary Substitute Decision-Making for Health Decisions|1. Statutory Substitutes - Temporary Substitute Decision-Making for Health Decisions]]{{·}}[[B. Types of Substitute Decision-Making and Residential Care#2. Other Tools by Which People Are are Given Authority as Substitutes|2. Other Tools by Which People Are are Given Authority as Substitutes]]{{·}}[[B. Types of Substitute Decision-Making and Residential Care#3. Court Appointed Substitutes - Adult Guardianship/Committeeship|3. Court Appointed Substitutes - Adult Guardianship/Committeeship]]{{·}}[[B. Types of Substitute Decision-Making and Residential Care#4. Substitute Decision-Making Through Instructions - Advance Care Directives|4. Substitute Decision-Making Through Instructions - Advance Care Directives]]
*'''[[Chapter Seven Resources and Appendix|Chapter Seven Resources and Appendix]]