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Introduction to Adult Guardianship (15:I)

6 bytes added, 06:45, 23 June 2016
3. Temporary Substitute Decision Makers
A TSDM has authority to decide whether to give or refuse consent, in accordance with the adult patient’s wishes, values and beliefs. The authority of a TSDM to give or refuse consent is generally valid for 21 days, but this time period may be extended upon written confirmation by the health care provider (ss 17 and 19, HCCFA). If the health care provider has reasonable grounds to believe that the adult patient may be capable during this time period, the health care provider must again determine the adult’s capability in accordance with s 7 of the HCCFA. If an adult patient is deemed to be capable again, consent must be given or refused by the adult patient. For more information, refer to section [[Representation Agreements (15:V)#1. Temporary Substitute Decision-makers (TSDM) | V.H.1: Temporary Substitute Decision-makers (TSDM)]] in this chapter.