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Residential Tenancy Act Coverage (19:II)

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7. Assisted and Supported Living Tenancies
=== 7. Assisted and Supported Living Tenancies ===
Assisted and many supported living tenancies are not covered by the RTA. In addition to a tenancy agreement as required for regular tenancies, residents must negotiate and sign a separate agreement specifying services, costs, and other terms.  === 8.Others Not Covered (RTA, s 4)People === *People living in accommodations owned or operated by educational institutions if the institution provides the accommodation to its students; people staying at emergency shelters and transitional housing; and people covered by the Community Care Facility Act, SBC 2002, c 75; the Continuing Care Act, SBC 1996, c 70; the Hospital Act, RSBC 1996, c 200; or the Mental Health Act, RSBC 1996, c 288. 9.Residential Tenancy Branch Information Line Call the Residential Tenancy Branch information line (604-660-1020 or 1-800-665-8779) if you are unsure whether the rental units come under the RTA. C.Discrimination A gainst Tenants Although poverty is not a protected ground, a landlord must not discriminate against a (prospective) tenant based on a lawful source of income, such as Income Assistance or similar benefits. The remedy is a complaint under s 21 of the B.C. Human Rights Code, RSBC 1996, c. 210 [HRC]. Section 10(1) of the HRC also prohibits a person from denying tenancy or from discriminating with respect to a term of the tenancy against a person or class of persons because of their race, sexual orientation, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, physical or mental disability, or sex. Note also, that pets are not covered under discrimination rules. See Chapter 19: Human Rights for more information. There are two exceptions: 1.Shared Accommodations