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Starting a Lawsuit (No. 165)

57 bytes added, 19:07, 19 October 2017
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==Can you appeal a small claims court judgment?==
Yes, you can appeal a small claims court judgment to the BC supreme court, but the appeal must be started within 40 days after the small claims court order was made. If you are late filing the notice of appeal, you can apply to the supreme court to extend the time, but there’s no guarantee that you will may not get it.
The appeal is not a new trial and the supreme court judge will decide only if the small claims court judge made a mistake about the facts or the law. You cannot appeal a supreme court decision on an appeal of a small claims case.
The small claims website explains [ how to appeal] and the process and cost involved.
[updated August October 2017]
'''The above was last reviewed for accuracy by Anna Kurt and edited by John Blois.'''