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Case law
=== Case law ===
When citing a case, use the citation standards in the Canadian Guide to ''Uniform Legal Citation'' (7th Edition), known as the ''McGill Guide''. Names or initials of the parties in the style of cause should be italicized, along with ''v.'', ''Re'', ''(ad litem)'', or any other part of the case name/style of cause. Do not use bold. If the parties are named by initials, use punctuation between the letters. Cite Canadian cases to their neutral citation, and ensure that the link you provide is the short URL resource link provided by CanLII wherever possible. Where no neutral citation is available, use the citation that CanLII provides, and ensure that the parties in the style of cause are as indexed by CanLII. Where a case is not available on CanLII, cite to a printed reporter or electronic service.
Examples of acceptable citations:
:Case with neutral citation, available on CanLII: ''[ Domirti v. Domirti]'', 2010 BCCA 472
:Case with neutral citation, available on CanLII, parties identified by initials: ''[ L.S. v. E.P.]'', 1999 BCCA 393
:Case with no neutral citation, available on CanLII: ''[ Wahl v. Pavle]'', 1985 CanLII 861 (BCCA)
:Case with no neutral citation, not on CanLII: ''Mareva Compania Naviera S.A. v. International Bulkcarriers S.A.'', [1980] 1 All E.R. 213