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Introduction to ICBC Automobile Insurance (12:I)

20 bytes added, 07:07, 12 August 2019
A. General
Subrogation is a common feature of insurance contracts. When ICBC assumes liability for payment of benefits or damages of any kind on behalf of the insured, ICBC is ‘subrogated’ to the right of recovery that the insured had against any other person (IVA, s 84), i.e., ICBC has all remedies available to it that the insured person might have exercised by him or herself (IVA, s 83).
=== 3. Premiums and Point Penalties ===
Premiums are regular payments made by the insured to ICBC. Premiums are based on where the insured lives, how the vehicle is used, the type of vehicle, and the insured driver’s claim record.