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Children and Parenting after Separation

1 byte added, 08:16, 17 September 2022
Guardianship, decision-making and parenting time
*the parents' poor parenting skills.
Don't be too discouraged by the generally pessimistic tone of this discussion. There are quite a few cases in which grandparents have been awarded guardianship, decision-making or parenting time with their grandchildren. It is possible to succeed on an application for guardianship, decision-making or parenting time, although the chances of success depend entirely on the circumstances of each case. For example, in a 2014 Supreme Court decision , [ Popovic v. Andjelic], the child and her mother resided with the maternal grandparents. The child's father lived in another country. After the mother died suddenly, the grandparents applied to be appointed the guardians of the child and the court granted their request. The father also remained a guardian but without parental responsibilities for the child.