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The government offers several programs to help people financially as they get older. These “social security” programs pay benefits when you retire, become disabled, or lose a job.
The government offers several programs to help people financially as they get older. These “social security” programs pay benefits when you retire, become disabled, or lose a job.
Old Age Security provides older adults with a monthly pension payment.  
* '''Old Age Security''' provides older adults with a monthly pension payment.
Canada Pension Plan provides workers with a monthly pension when they retire. It also pays benefits when a worker dies or becomes disabled.  
* '''Canada Pension Plan''' provides workers with a monthly pension when they retire. It also pays benefits when a worker dies or becomes disabled.
Employment insurance provides benefits to workers who lose their job. It also helps those who can’t work because of sickness, or need time off work to care for an ill family member.  
* '''Employment insurance''' provides benefits to workers who lose their job. It also helps those who can’t work because of sickness, or need time off work to care for an ill family member.  
===Old Age Security===
Old Age Security provides you with a monthly pension at age 65 if you have lived in Canada for at least 10 years. Your work history is not a factor. You can receive the pension even if you have never worked or are still working. You must be a Canadian citizen or a legal resident.
If you have a low income, you may be eligible for additional benefits on top of the Old Age Security pension. For those aged 60 to 64, there are allowance benefits. For those age 65 and over, there is a guaranteed income supplement.
You may need to apply to receive the Old Age Security pension. If you did not receive a letter from Service Canada the month after you turned 64, you should contact [https://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/ Service Canada]. Their phone number is 1-800-277-9914. Have your '''social insurance number''' ready when you call.
===Canada Pension Plan===
If you worked in Canada, you can get a monthly retirement pension as early as age 60.
When you work, the government takes some money from your pay cheques (and from your employer) and puts it into the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). If you are self-employed, you have to pay money into the plan when you pay your income tax.
The plan pays a retirement pension to partially replace your income from working once you retire. The amount of your pension depends on how much you contributed to the plan. The CPP retirement pension is separate from your Old Age Security pension.
The Canada Pension Plan also provides benefits when contributors become disabled or die.
The standard age to start receiving your CPP retirement pension is 65. But you can take a reduced pension as early as age 60.
Your CPP retirement pension does not start automatically. You must apply for it. You can do so [https://www.canada.ca/cpp online] or at a [https://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/ Service Canada office].
===Employment insurance===
Older adults who continue working after age 65 are eligible for the same employment insurance benefits as other workers in Canada.
EI, as it’s often called, provides benefits if you lose your job through no fault of your own (for example, due to shortage of work or seasonal layoffs) and can’t find a job.
Employment insurance also provides sickness benefits if you can’t work because of sickness or injury, and benefits to help caregivers take time away from work to care for family members who are ill or injured.
You can apply for EI benefits [https://www.canada.ca/ei online] or at a [https://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/ Service Canada office].
==Managing your money==
===Joint bank accounts===
A '''joint bank account''' is held by two or more people. Any person whose name is on the joint bank account can put money into the bank account and take money out of it.
Sometimes people put their bank account into joint names with a friend or relative so the other person can help with banking, shopping, and taking out cash for spending. But any person named on the account can use all of the funds as their own and take out all the money. This is a downside of joint accounts.
An option to lower the risk is to open a second, smaller bank account. You can ask your bank to regularly move funds from your main account into the second account to pay for what you need each month. You can tell the person who is helping you with banking and shopping that they can withdraw money from this account but not the main account. The main account stays in your name only.
===Direct deposits and automatic payments===
Another option that is safer than a joint account is to set up '''direct deposits'''. You can ask the government to have your pension and other cheques deposited directly into your bank account. You can also ask your bank about setting up automatic bill payments from your account. 
The bank will send you a monthly statement so you know all the activity in your account. There might be a small cost, but many banks have low or no fees for services to older adults.
Talk to your bank manager for more ideas on keeping your money safe.
==Protecting yourself and your money==
Sadly, sometimes people try to take advantage of you, especially as you get older.
Scammers use a variety of methods to trick people out of their money. Some offer prizes and say you have to send them money to claim your prize. Some make threats, such as to bring criminal proceedings, unless you pay them money.
Others try to trick you to give up your personal information so they can access your bank accounts or run up debts in your name. This is called '''identity theft'''. It involves taking your personal information — without your knowledge or agreement — to commit fraud or theft.
Here are some key ways to protect yourself and your money.
===Be careful with your personal information===
This includes your name, address, phone number, and date of birth. Don’t give them out to anyone you don’t know and trust. Same with your social insurance number, credit card numbers, and bank account information.
Be careful when throwing away credit card statements and receipts. Tear the receipts up or put them through a paper shredder. Criminals may go through the trash and use the statements and receipts to find out information about you.
Keep your passwords separate from your bank cards. If you write down passwords, make sure you store them in a safe place. Don’t keep passwords in your wallet.
===Don’t give information when someone contacts you===
If an offer sounds too good to be true, it usually is. If someone phones or emails with a prize or an offer and starts asking questions, they may be trying to learn your personal information. It’s not safe to give these people your personal information.
A bank will never ask for personal information or passwords over the phone unless ''you'' call ''them'', and the bank asks you to prove your identity. A bank will never email you and ask for your passwords or the numbers for debit or credit cards.
If you have caller ID on your phone, you can look to see if the number belongs to someone you know. If the number is not familiar, you can let the phone ring and ignore the call.
===Register with the do not call list===
You can register for the [http://www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/index-eng national do not call list] to reduce calls from people and companies trying to sell you things.
==Elder abuse==
Elder abuse is mistreatment that harms an older adult. It can take many forms:
Physical abuse: using physical force against an older adult.
Financial abuse: misusing an older adult’s money or property. It includes forcing an older adult to sign a document.
Neglect: not keeping an older person clean and safe.
Sexual abuse: forced sexual contact of any kind.
Psychological or emotional abuse: actions that cause mental or emotional harm. It includes threats, verbal abuse, and humiliation.
Signs of abuse
Here are some signs that abuse may be happening:
Physical abuse: bruising and injuries that cannot be explained.
Psychological or emotional abuse: someone shows a high level of anxiety or distress.
Financial abuse: large unexplained withdrawals from bank accounts.
Neglect or self-neglect: lack of bathing, unclean living conditions, and lack of health aids such as dentures or glasses.
Different types of abuse often occur at the same time. For example, a victim of physical abuse may also be a victim of psychological or emotional abuse.
Where to go for help

===Old Age Security===
===Old Age Security===


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