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How Do I Appeal a Final Supreme Court Decision?

3 bytes added, 05:28, 8 April 2013
Deadlines and procedures
The respondent has 14 days from his or her receipt of your factum to file and serve you with his or her own factum. The respondent's factum is his or her argument against your position, and <span class="noglossary">will</span> also contain any additional arguments the respondent wants to make in support of his or her cross appeal.
===Filing the Certificate certificate of Readinessreadiness===
Within seven days of the time the respondent's factum is filed in court, you must file a Certificate certificate of Readiness readiness in Form 7 of the Court of Appeal forms. Your Certificate certificate is a statement that the appeal is ready to be heard and provides a time estimate of how long the hearing <span class="noglossary">will</span> take.
===Preparing your Book book of Authoritiesauthorities===
The day of your hearing is at hand. At this point, you must prepare a Book book of Authoritiesauthorities. This is a binder containing all of the case law and statutes that you are relying on in the argument you've set out in your Factumfactum. You should arrange the cases in the order that you set them out in the List list of Authorities authorities in your Factumfactum. Make 5 five copies. One copy is for you, another is for the respondent and the court <span class="noglossary">will</span> get the remaining three; you <span class="noglossary">will</span> give the court their copies on the day of the hearing of your appeal.
{{REVIEWED | reviewer = [[JP Boyd]], March 24, 2013}}